snatch poster B.thescotters on DeviantArt

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thescotters's avatar

snatch poster B.



done for my history of graphic design class, this was done with the methodology and style of famous designer saul bass in mind. he was known for using cut paper, simple, robust shapes and illustrative typography, as well breaking design down to a single, simple image.

i designed promotional posters for guy ritchie's films "snatch" and "lock, stock and two smoking barrels" [two posters per movie]. for each i scanned in cut paper, manipulated some of the coloration in photoshop and did all the laying out, putting together, and messing with shape and size in adobe illustrator. type was done in that program as well.

of all four posters, this is the only one that directly mirrors one of bass' own pieces, a poster for otto preminger's "the anatomy of murder."

here's to you, saul. and guy ritchie, geniuses that you both are:

snatch poster A: [link]
snatch poster B: you're lookin' at it
lock stock poster A: [link]
lock stock poster B: [link]
Image size
792x1224px 690.45 KB
© 2005 - 2025 thescotters
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xKIBAx's avatar
Definitely Saul Bass! I love this. ♥