D. Va Ult LogoTheRiverBlues on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/theriverblues/art/D-Va-Ult-Logo-617053177TheRiverBlues

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TheRiverBlues's avatar

D. Va Ult Logo



Originally this was gonna be a bit more elaborate with a typeface but I kind of just gave up on that idea near the end and kept it simple. At this point it's just a recreation of one of her logos in Overwatch.

Made in Adobe Illustrator

Overwatch (c) Blizzard Entertainment
Image size
2250x2250px 143.3 KB
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YolkyGoblin's avatar
May I use this to make a wall paper? (I'll credit you of course!!)