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Waltz like its 1698
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I dont usually do this but, Carrie Fisher meant a lot to me, although i only learned about her and her struggles after episode VII. 

She was so brave in her fight with depression and addiction, and so witty and clever and honest... its making me really sad that she is gone. So young too, she was only 60...

Another great lady has left us...Goodbye Carrie Fisher, i hope  you're in a better place. 

And my deepest condolences to her family and friends.

See you later princess.

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Hey guys!

Sorry for not being here much,  i didnt have the time to make completely finished pieces recently ^^ but anyway!  Ive seen Moana  and Rogue one and im curious about what you guys thought of them if you've seen them :)

So,  Moana first !

I thought Moana was awesome!  I adored the character of Moana,  she's so wise and brave and lively and compassionate,  she actually reminded me of  Nausicaa,  especially for the final,  and a character that reminds me of Nausicaa wins A LOT of points for me :D

Also it was sooo beautiful TvT the colors,  the animation,  Moana's expressions and animation probably adds a lot to her charms honestly.

The movie wasn't flawless though i think.  I have 3 main complaints that prevent me from adoring the movie.  The least problematic one is the simplicity of the story.  Despite a few very clever and touching turns,  it is overall a very simple and "disneyy"  story.  But its a disney movie so its not that big of a deal.
Also i think there are too many songs.  As awesome as they are sometimes it took me out of the movie like,  let the emotions sink in please dont sing its just...  No XD

AND,  I think Maui développement is all over the place,  and rushed,  and thats the really big problem for me.  He goes from nice to jerky in a matter of minutes just to create a plotwist and i didnt like it.  Although i like the character,  but i cant fully live him when he's so whimsical XD

But to end on a nice note,  Hei hei is freaking hilarious XD i love that dumb chicken TvT

Now Rogue One :)

Honestly it took me A LONG time to get into the movie.  I dont know why but i was just lost or bothered by small stuffs all the time like,  Saw?  Ok so this guy is a friend of Jyn but not a friend of the rebellion although he rebels... Ok... Nevermind, so this pilot,  he deserted so he probably has a good reason like a moving backstory right?  No he... Followed his heart...  Hmm  ok why not no judging...Oh and here comes general Tarik yaAAAH HE IS 3D WHAT THE HELL???!!  (seriously the rest is small stuff but this? Why???  WHY??!!)
Also i found Cassian and Jyn romance and sudden trust a little,  well,  sudden XD they're adorable and i ship it cause the casting is great and both actors do an amazing job but there isnt really anything that explains the sudden interest they have for each other,  i think. Although both characters are really interesting and cool.
(and maybe its the french version or something but K2 didnt really worked for me.  He is fun sometimes but it felt a little forced too)

Ill stop here with the critics because looking back its really not that big of a deal compared to the good stuff ;)  
First,  the story is really great.  As stated above maybe not perfect,  but its a really good story in the star wars universe, and deals with really cool aspects of its universe. And it has a lot of guts.
Its visually beautiful,  really well filmed,  and shows many species and cool characters all over the place. And of course the action is awesome.

Now,  probably very cliché,  but what made the movie really awesome was,  guess who??  DARTH FUCKING VADER !!! :la:
It was SO great to see him again on the big screen and he is just so cool !! (and dramatic like,  vader cant just have a normal appointment,  he needs flashlights and smoke otherwise its no fun XD)
But seriously i loved every one of his apparitions,  and the last one got me so excited  for some reasons :D it was just before the ending too so when the film stopped i was like "wooh oh boy what a ride!" XD ( although again,  i was into the movie only near the end so,  i went to pretty indifferent to really excited really fast XD)
Anyway,  point is,  i love Vader,   and Rogue one is a great star wars movie,  that i probably need to watch again,  in english,  to fully enjoy it.  But its definitely cool and worth  checking out :)

And thats it!  I hope i didnt say too much or bored you XD And  please let me know what you thought of the movies !

Merry Christmas guys !! :D

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Hey guys !

So now that moving is done and anxiety dealt with i can finally review a movie that made my heart burst: Your name, the latest movie of the amazing  Makoto Shinkai

Synopsis: Mitsuha is a young girl leaving in the countryside and wishing she could just leave and be in the big city of tokyo, while taki is a young tokyo boy who has a crush on his coworker at the italian restaurant he works at. Someday, both switch bodies, randomly, and when they figure it out, try to understand whats happening to them. Meanwhile, a comet is soon to be seen in the sky, an event that hasnt happened in a thousand year...

Now this movie comes after wonders like 5 cm per second and the garden of words, which were all nostalgic, intimate, gorgeous pieces, but this time around Shinkai also included something that wasnt there before in his works : comedy

And boy is he good at it :D i really didnt think it would be as fun as it was, because, well, the body swap thing wasnt really new and between a young boy and a young girl, one could have made it really heavy. But good old Shinkai never, ever does heavy, he's the master of subtle honestly, and he handles the body swtich with light, super cute humour, its a ton of fun ;)

But the movie isnt just funny jokes, things get intense pretty fast, and then oh boy its a rollercoaster of feelings @.@

Also, like for the boy and the beast by Hosoda, the secondary characters are A LOT of fun and memorable ( coughnotlike inzootopiacough). And the animation pfff its just gorgeous XD like what to say except it looks fantastic really ? The musics, although japanese hits by the group radwimps, works really well too :) So its totally an 11/10 and if you can see it, i suggest you do ( its a massive hit in japan and will be released in 85 countries so its totally doable ;))

Now, i'll also use this review to talk about the differences between japanese animated movies and american animated je movies ( well disney/pixar and dreamworks mostly but im sure american animation isnt just those ^^)
Most of my friends loving american animation cant really get into japanese animation, and their point is the storytelling in american animation is more on point. And they're absolutely right. Its true that the story in classic animation like beauty and the beast is more timeless and consistent than japanese animated one. "your name" is a good example of that. It is more random in its story telling, some scenes are even incoherent ill admit, though the whole thing is completely coherent and works really well.

Thats why, personnaly, i love, or at least respect, japanese animation more than the american one, exactly because of the stories they tell. More random they may be, but they are way more personal. And i.lean that in every way. They are more personal for those who lade them and express their own universe ( like you can tell if its a Satoshi Kon movie. An Hosoda or a Shinkai movie, their style and thematics are very different)  But also, their also more personal for the viewers. Correct me if im wrong, but one cant really argue about what to take from beauty and the beast right ? "true beauty comes from the heart". Well thats a very worthy lesson of course, especially for the children, but in most japanese movies,  its just a little more complex and it leave much much more space for personal interpretation, or at least the ability to relate to the characters. Even in spirited away, the ending isnt explicit and therefore one can understand anyway he wants. Same for the boy and the beast, one can relate more to Kyuta ot to Ichiroyko, or both. And in your name, anyone can think of someone they've lost or wish they had known better, or just the common feeling of wanting to find someone to be with. Its very vast, and, to me, much much more challenging and above all, personal.

That is why i personnaly enjoy japanese animation a little more.  I still carry the classics american in my heart and always will, but the new ones just arent as rewarding to me compared to the japanese, in terms of feelings and learning ( except for frozen, yell at me all you want but that one is very personal to me XD)

That was my rant folks ! :D if you have a different opinions or points feel free to share ill be happy to discuss :)

Until then, take care !

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13+13 Tag

5 min read
Hey ! :D
I was tagged by :iconmaryandjim: a while back so its about time i do this !  It took a little while too because its a pretty long tag haha :D but ok the rules ! 

1. Write 13 facts about yourself
2. Answer the 13 questions asked to you and invent 13 questions the people you tag will have to answer.
3. You have to tag 13 people.
4. You can't say you don't do tags. 
5. Tag-backs are ALLOWED.
7. You have to finish this within a week. If not, you'll have to do whatever the creator tells you to. Art, rp, etc.
8. Be creative with the title

facts about myself :bademoticon:  :

1) im a ball of grumpiness under a lot of politeness
2) i really want a tatto. On my shoulder/ arm would be cool. Dont know what i want exactly, maybe a wolf or a character i look up to. Anyway i wontcare if it has a meaning or not as long as its original and pretty. 
3) i have many tiny scars and i dont know where most of them comes from. Im so clumsy its probably the result of me bumping into things
4) i hate insects. And the wind. 
5) i smoke. Not that im an addict but it calms me down when i go out
6) Im a feminist. Im not active in any association or whatever i just believe and defend equality between men and women. 
7) I love frozen. Even if its still on every products targetting 6 year old girls, i cant help it, i think this movie is awesome. ( i was even overjoyed when my dad brought back mustard with elsa and anna on it like im in deep)
8) i love stars oooh, stars 
9) My eyes change colorif i stay in front of a screen for too long. From brown to green, it often surprises me in the mirror Yusarin Surprised Icon 
10) My ancestors on my mother side were french knights at the battle of hastings in 1066 :bademoticon: 
11) Phone calls stress me out 
12) According to quizzs Im a hufflepuff from house Stark. My patronus is a horse, if i were a disney princess id be Jasmine and if i were a vilain id be Ursula. Its wild.
13) I dont team valor in pokemon go bunneh icon17 

Questions ! sparkle emote 

1. What do you like about yourself? not sure ? The fact that im not completely dumb ? That i can be creative a little ? My wit ? Bit of those 3 i guess ^^

2. Do you have a favourite outfit?
I do ! My leather pants and flannel, and of course my hat :bademoticon: 

3. What's your fav movie?
Probably... The castle in the sky. But there are so many awesome movies out there its always tough to pick TvT

4. Tea or coffee?
Coffee. Britney Spears Deal With It 

5. Do you have an occupation or a job you dream about?
Being an animator/ storyboarder/ characer designer would be neat ( yeah ill take all three please XD)

6. What inspires you?
Hmm sometimes music, sometimes people art, sometimes people on the streets, it varies :)

7. Do you enjoy studying?
Depends on the class i guess ? if its economy no thanks, if its history yes take me im yours

8. Do you have a best friend?
Yeeaaano XD i have a friend i consider "best" because she is my favourite person in the world, but we dont see each other very often and i know she has a lot of friends she's closer to, but we're still in touch after meeting in ireland 6 years ago so its a strong bond ;) 

9. What question do you hate to answer?
No idea, if its not dumb or inappropriate i don mind. Or maybe the "'xcuse me do you have time for a survey?" i dont like the question because of the lie that follow XD

10. What cheers you up?
My sister. My dog. My friends. You know the good stuff.

11. Watch sports or play sports?
Nah XD though i enjoyed badmington, handball and skiing, but i dont practice to say the least.

12. What has been your biggest challenge?
Admitting and overcoming depression last summer...dark times...hard times ( wow that gif is cool I say noes 2 )

13. Smile?
Sure ! Hi There 

And thats it ! That was long but  pretty fun ! Thank you for the tag dear :bademoticon: Though i dont really feel like tagging anyone, even if its the rules... Britney Spears Eeek Oops  sorry ^^; Have a good dau guys ! real slice 

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Maybe you've heard by now but, yesterday, on France's national day, a murdered ran a massive truck at full speed on the people of Nice. He drove on 2km before he got stopped, killing 84 people, including a lot of children, and about 20 people are still in a critical condition.
Im so, so sorry, for all the people who lost a close one last night, all of those who must be worried sick that someone they know might be dead. Please keep them in your thoughts.

When the Paris attacked happenned i said that we would not be afraid and that despite the bombs we would keep dancing and singing. I still believe that, but its getting harder and harder not be scared. Last night was a reminder that these attacks can still happen anytime, and not just in Paris but anywhere in France. My brother planned to go to the restaurant where one of the parisian shooting happened, and only because he and his friends decided otherwise at the last minute were they alive by the end of the night. What if he's not so lucky next time ? My little sister is going to a massive concert in Paris soon and what if something happens to her ? I wish i knew how not to be scared of that but i dont. How can i not be scared of men who would run over little kids on a national day ?
I cant answer that. And there is probably no answer anyway, just as this tragedy is just a pure act of hatred. But what really matters is that we do not let this fear get the best of us and stay united in those times of hate. I believe keeping the people of Nice in our thoughts and prayers will help that. And i hope everyone stay safe.

Take care.

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To Carrie Fisher by thereina, journal

Moana and Rogue one reviews (no spoilers) by thereina, journal

Your name by Makoto Shinkai by thereina, journal

13+13 Tag by thereina, journal

Prayers for Nice by thereina, journal