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thereallinebyline's avatar

Necessity (pg. 1)



Hey, it's these guys! I don't know if they have names, official-like, but I've been calling them Bruno (the tall one) and Rufus (the short one). As you can see, Viola has a way of coming out of nowhere to ruin people's day. I'm really looking forward to sharing the rest of the story with you.

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Drawn and inked traditionally (as you know if you've been following my WIP journals), and colored in Photoshop CS4 because Krita keeps choking on the 600 DPI PSD.

See this page on my personal site for a transcript.

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700x1050px 542.77 KB
© 2020 - 2024 thereallinebyline
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CromwellInnovations's avatar

Looks pretty interesting so far! I wonder what the story of this is though? Keep up the great work btw!