Texas Liberation Army (TLA)TheRanger1302 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/theranger1302/art/Texas-Liberation-Army-TLA-805340870TheRanger1302

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Texas Liberation Army (TLA)



By the 2020s Texan nationalism grows to a majority support among the Texan population but is divided between the none violent and violent movements The Texas nationalist movement still led by Daniel Miller pushes for none violent but firm action for independence while other various cells work to gain independence though violent means. due to massive defections by Texans drafted in to the U.S military the Russian military decided to set up a liberation army made up by Texan defectors first and second generation citizens of Russia and P.O.W.S. the TLA is led by the committee for free Texas and acts as a government of sworts and the end goal is liberation of Texas but due to the TLA being stuck in Europe the middle east and Africa only special forces and spies operate in Texas it self how ever insurgencies are still common most members of the TLA are given Regular Russian uniforms and weapons but some ex U.S soldiers are given American style gear.

This was made by request and on behalf of Drogin1 
Grand-Lobster-King Milosh--Andrich Tounushi elMengu 
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2032x1364px 151.58 KB
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ok these are cool but how do u make em ? I'm actually interested on making some of my own