Contest - Dream

4 min read

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thepurplemonster's avatar
When I mentioned wanting to host another contest and needing a topic, a friend came up with a brilliant idea--why not use something I favor as a symbol, theme, or motif? The one I eventually chose out of the myriads of them is


In my art and writings, as well as in my life, this has always been a constant. Not to mention that it's a common inspiration for poets, prose-ists, artists galore. So, without further ado, here are the details for this contest:

:bulletpurple: PRIZES :bulletpurple:

From Me:
First Place: (No ties.)
-A one year subscription or a print account.
-any one of my prints, under size 9x12 or a free commish.
-2 month feature in my journal.
-DD Suggestion/UA Suggestion of my choice, from your gallery.

Second Place: (No more than two winners.)
-A three month subscription, or print from any dA artist of the same cash value.
-2 month feature in my journal.
-DD Suggestion/UA Suggestion of my choice, from your gallery.

Honorary Mentions: (No more than three winners).
-2 month feature in my journal.
-One free inkwork commission.

From black--pheonix

-Journal feature for all winners and honorary mentions

First Place
-Giftart. He's got a lovely gallery, so this will be worth it!

From akinna

Journal features. (she's really popular, so this is good ;))

-Small commissions for each (I think.)

From kameeko

First Place:
Giftart (color or b/w; winner can provide a description of what he/she wants)

Second Place(s):
Giftart (color or b/w abstract; winners can provide general themes if they want)

Honorary Mention(s):
Giftart (b/w abstract; winners can provide general themes if they want)

*Media limited to pens, pencils, and color pencils...

More things will be added along the way.

:bulletpurple: JUDGES :bulletpurple:
black--pheonix kameeko akinna & myself.

*If you like this contest idea and would like to help judge rather than enter due to time difficulties or somesuch, please note me. I would love as many judges as possible! The only catch is that if you want a decent amout of say in choosing the winner, you must donate a prize. Anything from a journal feature or giftart to a subscription to a free print or commission will suffice. Thank you!

:bulletpurple: RULES :bulletpurple:

-Must be a new deviation submitted after September 1st.
-Must include in the description a short writeup about how this relates to the topic, and that it is an entry to this contest, with a link to this journal.
-Must be 100% your work--no collabs.
-All mediums accepted: poetry, prose, traditional, digital, photomanipulation, abstract/surreal.
-Must focus on the topic, rather than having it as a side mention. Naming the dog 'dream' will not be enough.
-No slurs or discrimination allowed.
-Please give credit to the stocks, if it is a manipulation.
-Maximum of three entries.
-Link to submittion in a comment to this journal. DO NOT SEND IN NOTES--they get lost easily.

:bulletpurple: DEADLINE :bulletpurple:
December 25th, 2006. Midnight.

Alright. I think that's it.. Oh and please, any journal promotion for this contest would be a welcomed contribution. :)
© 2006 - 2024 thepurplemonster
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rubenvdp's avatar
hope I'm not late...
here is my entry!
