60,000 HitsThePrincessZelda on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/theprincesszelda/art/60-000-Hits-71007237ThePrincessZelda

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60,000 Hits



Alrighty kids, the moment you've all been waiting for! *que the Zelda treasure melody* Dun-dun-dun-DUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!

You've got...MIDNA!

hehe! So yeah, obviously my eyes are photoshopped because finding yellow/red contact lenses under $300 is just not possible! T_T Maybe if I go to the eye doctor and get my eyes diolated.......*thinks* hehehe! lol Yeah getting into Midna was no picnic! Painting my butt out in the cold is painful I tellz ya! T_T And I ended up forgetting a few things at home like my anklet and hair pieces and some comfortable WARM shoes! But don't you worry a thing! Cuz at the end of the day....my butt was STILL cold :cold: T_T

Also, a HUGE thank you to Muze for the awesome photos! Definetely wonderful work!

Alrighty, time to go home! Woo-hoo! HUZZAH FOR GREATNESS! ^_^

So yeah, I'll be posting more Midna photos soon to come! Maybe a few photomanips? hehe That'd be cool to see Midna in the twilight! ^_^

Costume by Me!
Photo by Muze
Image size
700x622px 207.34 KB
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very cool costume...