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ThePast's avatar

One Bored Afternoon...



... What to say... This just came to me one day and I instantly found it a funny idea, but I am known for my weird sense of humour...

Quick notes: I HATE Remy's hair in Evo, it's a bowl cut! So I decided on a change for the '5th season'... not sure if it worked out the best but I don't mind it. Inspired by my fav art in the comics: X-Men Xtreme

On another rant, do the creators realise how hard it is to draw his face for fan art when we've never seen him out of his uniform?! That d@mn headpiece just messes up trying to figure out his face shape.

Thirdly: Roguey in old outfit? Blame it on lack of imagination, I am =P

And finally: I am horrible at backgrounds, thus the not so realisitic slant to this. But I like it, I try to keep backgrounds muted down compared to what is going on in the foregrounds and I am quite pleased how this turned out.

Oh, and a slight tribute to Remy's mentions of Star Trek in the comics. Live long and prosper.
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shadamy20's avatar
Love rogue expression