Driving home Ramadan SurveyTheOnlyWarman on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/theonlywarman/art/Driving-home-Ramadan-Survey-136992566TheOnlyWarman

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Driving home Ramadan Survey



Yay, School has started which means more and more driving home, this week I made TWO, this is the second one they're both about the holy muslim month of ramadan.

In case you don't know ramadan is a month in the muslim calendar in which muslims fast from sunrise to sunset and by fast that means no food, drink, sex, or smoking to name a few things (technically also no bad deeds (so no insulting etc), also relegious activities increase during the month normally.
it is a chance for people to clean the slate and start over fresh, and it comes once a year how awesome is that.

anywyay, my university seems to think otherwise, with allot of people not fasting and not even caring about fasting, you see fasting ramadan is not optional it is considered to be the third of the five pillars of islam, also it is socially unacceptable to show that you're not fasting (even if you have a legitemate reason for not fasting, for instance traveller's, sick people, and pregnant women or women on their period are allowed not to fast) but still just smoking in public during ramadan daytime was for a long time an unacceptable site, not to mention eating or drinking.

students at my university seem to forget about this fact all together which is really bugging me and allot of people who are actually doing something during that month, I understand it's a personal choice to practice relegion and what not, but don't flaunt the fact that you're blatently ignoring something in my face, how would you like to see someone eating or smoking when you can't.

sorry about the rant you can ignore it and just enjoy the comic. :D
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Sahrajolie's avatar
omg that last one killed hahaha :D :"D