Commercializing RamadanTheOnlyWarman on DeviantArt

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Commercializing Ramadan



Yay, School has started which means more and more driving home, this week I made TWO, this is the first one they're both about the holy muslim month of ramadan.

In case you don't know ramadan is a month in the muslim calendar in which muslims fast from sunrise to sunset and by fast that means no food, drink, sex, or smoking to name a few things (technically also no bad deeds (so no insulting etc), also relegious activities increase during the month normally.

but in some countries (like egypt) some symbols are associated with ramadan and certain foods as well, symbols such as the cannon signaling sunset and the lantern (fanoos فانوس;) are all part of it, also certain foods and drinks like oriental sweets konafa basboosa and baklawa which are VERY sweet and tend to be really good, also drinks like hibiscus drink (karkade) qamar el deen ( a drink made out of dried apricot paste) tamr hendi (tamarind juice) and 'erqesoos (liqourice juice) all good stuff.

this started when mirinda started producing a seasonal karkade (hibiscus) flavor for ramadan.

wa7awy وحوي is a word from a famous ramadan song.
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3194x1388px 1.13 MB
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sarroora's avatar
This is so fun!:lol: