Twi and RDTheNornOnTheGo on DeviantArt

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Twi and RD



Can a pegasus use clouds like water-wings when learning how to fly? I think so ;3 
It's legit... I'd use them >->""""

Since Twi became an Alicorn I love the thought of Dashi teaching her how to fly~ Twilight being Twilight I know she would beg Rainbow Dash to keep on practicing with her late into the night. She is such a keener like that.

Twilight: I think I'm starting to get the hang of this Rainbow!

Dash: Yaaaaaaaah~ You're a natural Twi -crosses wings- How about one more lap and we call it a day?

I just wanted to do some quick MLP art for the MLP fans :tardgrinn:  I know have bee posting a lot of FNAF lately  Llama Emoji-17 (Sweating) [V1] 
Thank you for your patience! 

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ForestTrails482's avatar

Creative. 😄👍