
Fantasy Religion Questionaire

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TheMusesSong's avatar

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Name of Religion:

Name of Followers:
(Sometimes the name of the follower is different than the religion. i.e. Islam vs. Muslim)

Number of Deities:
(monotheistic, polytheistic, some religions don’t even have a set ‘god’)

Major god(s)/goddess(es):

Level of Anthropomorphization of Deit(ies):
(Are they very human like and have ‘human’ wants and desires or is their god simply a supernatural force?)

Is there a set founder of this religion?
(Some religions don’t have a set founder {i.e. Hinduism, Ancient Greek religion, etc.})

What is their origin story of the universe?
(Celestial egg? Were humans created out of clay? Is the earth on the back of an enormous turtle?)

Major Holidays:

(Are they permitted to marry or must they remain chaste?
Is this position limited to only certain groups?
{Men, upper class people, certain racial groups, etc.}
What are their responsibilities?)

Are their any past followers/prophets who have attained the level of being considered a ‘holy men’ or even minor deities?
(The Christian religion has saints as well as Jesus Christ, some religions that believe in reincarnation think that one can eventually reach the level of a deity)

Are totems/images of god(s) permitted or it is viewed as blasphemy?
(Muslims have a serious taboo about depictions of their Muhammad. Most Christians pray to statues or other holy relics with little issue)

How are ceremonies performed for:
Coming of age? At what age? Are they different for boys vs. girls?:
Birth of a child?:
Other rituals?

What do they define as a soul? Is it exclusive to only their species?
(Does it exist? Can it be destroyed? Does it ever change?)

What does this religion believe happens after death? Does this happen to nonbelievers as well?
(Do they believe in a linear afterlife? Reincarnation?
Is there more of an emphasis on ‘this life’ than what happens after {i.e. Shinto, Judaism, Wicca, etc.}
What is considered the ‘good ‘afterlife? What must one do to ensure they go there?
What is considered the ‘bad’ afterlife?
Can nonbelievers reach the ‘good’ afterlife?)

What do they define as sin? How must they atone for it?
(Is it one’s actions or one’s intentions? Must they pay penance in some way?)

How do followers communicate with their divine power? Do they interact by making offerings?
(Do they pray? Go on spiritual journeys? What do they sacrifice?)

Religion’s thoughts on:
Gender Roles?:
(Do men and women have specific roles in the home, or can anyone do whatever?)

(Is it dirty and immoral or a perfectly okay way of bonding with others? Is premartial sex okay? Is chastity viewed as a realistic or favourable option?)

(Are people expected to cover certain parts of their bodies to remain decent or is it only necessary to cover the genitals? Are expectations different for men and women?)

Romantic love and marriage?
(Are only monogamous pairs accepted?)(Is divorce permitted?)

(Is it unnatural, another temptation or simply a part of god’s plan? Are same-sex couples permitted to be married?)

Contraception/Non-procreative sex/ etc.?:
(Is it a horrible breach of god’s plan or simply a practical tool?)

Alcohol, drugs and other similar substances?:
(Must all followers teetotal or is alcohol okay with moderation? What about other drugs?)

Murder and Suicide?:
(Is killing someone/something ever justifiable? Is killing oneself considered a sin? What about in the case of terminal illness?)

Social hierarchy? (To the extent of a caste system?)

The family unit?:
(Is a nuclear family the best way of raising children? Are children raised mostly with their immediate family or extended family as well? How do they view single parenting?)

Humanity’s morality?:
(Are humans inherently flawed? Are they good, but turned immoral by society?)

Where is the religion mainly practiced? By which ethnic group/social class?:

What are their thoughts on interfaith marriages? Are they permitted?
(Are they a-okay? Must one of the participants convert or can they both continue to practice their religions?)

What are their thoughts on nonbelievers? Does this religion have missionaries?
(Are they inherently immoral? Something to be pitied?
Do they actively convert others to their religion?)

Do followers of this religion have to follow any dietary restrictions?
(Cannot drink alcohol? Must be vegetarian or vegan? Cannot eat specific animals)

Are there any specific articles of clothing worn during certain rituals? Daily?

Are there any specific things that are considered taboo by this religion?

How does it interact with other religions in this area?
(Are they mostly peaceful? Engaged in near-constant warfare?)

Are their any other sects of this religion? What are major differences? How do they interact with one another?
(Are they mostly peaceful? Engaged in near-constant warfare?)
Hello everyone, sorry I haven’t been able to post for a while, been busy and all.
I’ve been working on a new writing project and managed to create this template to help me out with worldbuilding.
Due to the fact I haven’t been able to find a similar in-depth questionnaire online,
I’ve posted this to help out anyone else who needs this for creating a fictional religion for their series/book/etc.

Feel free to fill this out (I’d love to see what you create, in fact :) )

but if you post this anywhere, make sure you GIVE CREDIT and LINK back to here.

I’ve included examples from real world religions, but keep in mind I don’t intend to offend anyone. If there are ANY inaccuracies regarding any of the religions mentioned, please don’t hesitate to inform me so that I may correct them.
Any questions that you think should have been included? Just comment and I’ll be sure to fix that.

For examples of differing ideals of human morality, the ideas of Thomas Hobbes, Rousseau, John Locke or many other philosophers are excellent sources.

Happy World Building. :)
© 2013 - 2025 TheMusesSong
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Phroggsandworms's avatar

Recently started building a massive world thingy and been using this to help me build the religions in this world! Its been SUPER helpful! 10/10 ^w^ can't wait til I have enough of this world built to share it!