A Little Update + Stock to Art Feature

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themuseslibrary's avatar
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Help support themuseslibrary! Donate to Ang's Stock Pot today:) All funds go towards keeping this account subscribed, photo equipment, props, and costumes.

Things have been a little quiet around this account for some time and for that I apologize.  I have a couple of costumes in the wings and some ideas I'd like to play with, but as some as you may (or may not) know, my life has been completely absorbed in the authorship of a book!  

I am both writer and illustrator, the book featuring many tutorials on my processes as an illustrator.  I don't want to reveal too much too early and ruin my book's hype, but just know that it will be mass-market and is essentially my break into professional publishing!  I'm in the last chapter now with just a few more weeks of development ahead of me!

I'm super excited and I'll finally have a free weekend (once my current painting is complete) after having worked through the past few weekends.  But instead of doing stock, I may just take some time to relax and rot my brain with video games. We shall see!  Perhaps the stock bug will bite and motivate me out of my lazy exhausted stupor?

In the meantime, I wanted to feature a few of the stock artists who have been so gracious as to let me use their stock for this project thus far (and the art that they helped me to complete!)  I can't wait to write the Acknowledgements section where I'll get to feature so many fine stock folks in the community in the public eye!

Once things get a little closer to release date, I'll have more news and art to share concerning my book's release.  Till then, thanks for all of your support and for graciously allowing me to use your stock!



:spotlight-left:Stock I'm looking for. Have you seen it?: ladydove7-stock.deviantart.com… :spotlight-right:

Don't forget to watch my Scraps, where I upload outtakes and other fun things.:D
© 2010 - 2024 themuseslibrary
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HiddenYume-stock's avatar
I'm so excited to see how that comes out my dear! I'm almost depressed we won't be in it lol..you know my love afair with angels after all lol lol again