This is a photo of me, probably shot around 1980 by my brother - which would explain the home darkroom print. Anyway, the truck, which was named "The Mighty Quinn" because it was great and white, is a 1954 Chevrolet with a Grumman aluminum body. I had it for 17 years, and sold it in 1991.
More recently, as evidenced by the mermaids, I have been bitten by an artistic bug. This is an entirely new direction for me. It is my first foray into creating any kind of art other than photography. Interestingly, I have found that my engineering skills have prepared me quite well for this, Now I have to practice brushstrokes and color mixing. Good news is I've been involved with the Cape Cod Museum of Art lately, where there's a wealth of knowledge and people willing to point me in the right direction.
Current Residence: Cape Cod
Favourite genre of music: Alternative Rock, Ambient
Favourite photographer: O Winston Link (
and on DA:
Favorite Visual Artist: Alexander Calder (, John Singer Sargent (
and on DA:
Favourite style of art: Impressionist
Operating System: Win10, OS-X
MP3 player of choice: Winamp on Windows/iTunes on Mac or Windows
Shell of choice: Clam or Scallop
Wallpaper of…
Favourite cartoon character: Chii from Chobits (
Personal Quote: "The best-laid plans o' mice an' men Gang aft a-gley..." -Robert Burns…
Thanks for faving my painting!