inMoods: My Necessary Badthemian on DeviantArt

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inMoods: My Necessary Bad




inMoods: My necessary bad

I'm tired...
Just it...
I'm just pretending...
Pretending being a good fella...
And, still, I keep stucked on my own lies...

This is not a romantic letter...
This is not to make you cry...nor love me...
This is not but my mood... tell you the truth...
You're my necessary bad...
I swear I tried so hard to keep away...
but the more away I tried to get from you,
the more close I became from you...

Why don't you just go away from me?
Why do you keep here?
How long will I have to suffer?

I love you, my necessary bad...


In desert 17 by *night-fate-stock

Labadee Stock Rock-Ocean by ~SimplyBackgrounds

Turner River by ~riktorsashen
Image size
1918x1285px 2.13 MB
© 2009 - 2025 themian
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Fellipatwins's avatar
so beautifull!! :heart: