Rising BarsTheMelonLord1636 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/themelonlord1636/art/Rising-Bars-483486737TheMelonLord1636

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TheMelonLord1636's avatar

Rising Bars



This is a minimalistic Rainmeter skin. The bars rise (or descend) as the time advances.
FULLY CUSTOMISABLE - Right click and select 'Config'.

Inspired by Patrick Muff's Rising Bars for iOS: patrickmuff.ch/repo/
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WyzzyMoon's avatar
Nice work, I see we both made Patrick Muff's Rising Bars for rainmeter.
I like the fact that your one is customisable!
In my version I included the font "Raleway-ExtraLight", that's what's used in the original I think.
I don't know if you were going for "Inspired by" or more "exact replica", but I wanted to let you know in case anyone wants to use it.
