
Four-Letter Poems, take two

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TheMaidenInBlack's avatar

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We sought a permanent recombination,
a final overwriting
of the double helix that defined me,
but I wasn't enough of a geneticist
(nor of a writer) for the
art of four-letter poems.

So we hacked to
pieces my nucleotide
bonds, we attached
and removed strings of
memories from my life's album
as if undecided on what to wear -
but, my love,
we never had any sense of

My chromosomes, carved as a testament
to all of our surgery sessions,
became a festival of restriction
enzymes' reactions, of when
we tore my consciousness'
nucleobases away from their seats
to fit the new occupants
of my old self.

And I see you now, my love,
through truth-telling eyes.
I never was enough of a geneticist
for the art of four-letter poems
and you unmade and
rebuilt me just to
show that you were.
The beauty and wonder of my
nitrogenous base sequences, you
picked your best restriction
enzymes to dismember
it, stating
"We're doing this for you."

You always knew plasmids
never look back, yet
you let their induced toxicity
insert itself everywhere
and affect my phenotype so, so

And change cascaded as
a spreading cancer -
irreversible. All
those four-letter
poems you unmade, they
coiled and hissed in
anger, in newfound
hate for you.

And I was never enough of a
writer to tell you, but
they made me one now.
I've worked on this since when I first wrote it whenever ago. Well, not constantly, but I've always come back to it because I loved the idea but not my execution so much.  Four-Letter PoemsWe try to recombine each other,
to overwrite the coding of us constantly-
yet I've never been good at Scrabble
And I can't make poems out of four letters,
(not alone).
Hackers, we've corrupted this sourcecode
Attaching and removing strings
So long and repeteadly it feels like forever;
And now and then it is
Like we're decorating a Christmas tree
But we lost all sense of beauty.
we have tried. I feel my insides
A festival of scars and tentatives of surgery;
enzymes, our guests, look for those special seats that
Have a name and a shape fitting them only.
And they will cut up their fabric and
tear apart their old, tired cushions.
And pull out the fluffy beauty from inside them,
"We're just modernizing them a bit!".
And I will look at you, my so-called love
Through eyes crying aminoacid chains;
but I've never been good at Scrabble, so
you unmade and rebuilt all my four-letter poems.
The beauty and the wonder of
Nitrogenous base sequences,
You nitpicked the best restriction e
 this is the first version. I got TONS of great critique on it, discussed the poem in critique chat events and so on, and eventually this second take came out. When SeaPlume gave me the most amazing critique on the first version, that highlighted exactly so many of the things I had changed, I knew I had done something good - and I got an idea for how to tie the ending.

I think I needed to detach emotionally from what had caused me to write this poem back then in the first place, and since I have, I could write this keeping in mind what the poem needed from me, and not what I needed from it. :heart:

Thank you for reading!
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KalineReine's avatar
Very interesting. Really makes you think... :heart: I love it! This has a really nice flow and also makes a good point.