Link me the breeding partners you are gonna use. No inbreeding.
(Horses must be unrelated for at least 4 generations starting from dam/sire)
(Horses must be unrelated for at least 4 generations starting from dam/sire)
Link me the resulting foals from my horses.
If you are planning on selling or deceasing a foal out of my horses, please let me know.
I do not allow transferring of my designs to another breed than they were made for, sorry.
Slots held by one person cannot be transferred to someone else for I can't make sure they also agree to my rules.
Slots held by one person cannot be transferred to someone else for I can't make sure they also agree to my rules.
If your stable has its own set of rules, please have them linked on the horses reference or inform me before I buy a slot.
I do not require you to sign these rules, by breeding to my horses you acknowledge that have you read and will follow them.
I reserve myself the right to blacklist you permanently from breeding to SPS horses if my rules are broken.
Point payments:
Have to be completed within 2 days, unless agreed otherwise.
Art Payments:
Should be completed within 2 weeks, if you cannot meet that deadline, let me know. If I don't hear back from you in that time frame, I consider the deal void.
I expect some effort to be put into payments, so using pre-made linearts by other people is not allowed.
Padro breeding slots are usually friends/affiliates only for the most part. You can however ask, just be warned that I am very picky with my ranked horses.
I require a parent slot to all foals out of my horses.
I require a designers slot to all imports/foals I've designed. No extra requirements (e.g. a breeding image) are allowed on this slot. It has to be usable at all times per group rules.
Equus Ballator 
Equus Ballator breeding slots will be up for art or points payment, depending on the horse and whichever you prefer.
I do not allow crossbreeding except Forest x Mountain, unless an item ensures safety of both parents.
If you require a parent slot to horses bred out of yours, then the same applies to SPS.