Point Pony-Adoptables!TheLionMedal on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thelionmedal/art/Point-Pony-Adoptables-453106885TheLionMedal

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TheLionMedal's avatar

Point Pony-Adoptables!



Up for Bid! Bidding starts at 30:points:, minimum increment is 5:points:. Please reply to my comment in this same deviation to bid! 

Auction ends a week after the starting bid. You can also autobuy the design by offering 150 :points:. Good luck to you all!

1.- Won by ZuuZombie
2.- Autobought by Átomo (SpaniardHooves Forum)
3.- Autobought by FaIIacy - NOT YET PAID 
4.- Won by ZuuZombie
5.- Autobought by ZuuZombie

-->Base: it's for free use! Please, do not claim as your own- a link to this deviation or my page would be amazing if you submit what you do with it to the net! Then I can see what you've done with it ;3 
Image size
841x1648px 478.46 KB
© 2014 - 2025 TheLionMedal
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Honsou77's avatar
que monos son los caballicos :la:

pot cierto el grifo te quedo genial, mola es palomete :3