MLPSpain - SH Halloween Collab!TheLionMedal on DeviantArt

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TheLionMedal's avatar

MLPSpain - SH Halloween Collab!




It's done, dudes! It's DOOOOONE 8DDDDDD Look at all those beautiful drawings, they're all amazing, and they look great together! We did awesome with this guys, we did really, really good *U* Be proud of yourselves, you awesome people!

I'll try to get everyone's dA here between today & tomorrow, but I might forget someone! Please point them out ^^


...and some more! 8'D gawd I'm too sleepy now. I'll get it finished tomorrow! Thank you all!! :heart:
Image size
5500x3500px 8.47 MB
ยฉ 2014 - 2025 TheLionMedal
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Sashaluh's avatar
Acabo de verlo... nunca lo vi y al final no se incluyó el mío, que lo redibujé y todo, me pone triste ú_u Estaba preparado para ir al lado del de Terdy, que se miraban y tal. Pero quedó super chulo, adoré todos los dibujines Halloweenescos!