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An Evening With The Gods page 1



It's been over two years since i made a story in comic book form - and i'm really excited that i was given the opportunity to create a comic for the Ashmolean Museum of Oxford, one of the biggest museums in Britain.

The museum is helding an exhibition called "An Evening With The Gods" and this particular comic is part of this exhibition. The hero (aka, yourself) travels in time and space and meets with various gods of antiquity, while in the same time, the visitor to the museum crosses the rooms containing artifacts from ancient Greece to Assyria and from Knossos to the egyptian era. The comic pattern follows that of the museum - the visitors start their tour with ancient Greece, therefore the comic begins there as well.

This is page one! More pages on the way. :)
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1076x1521px 624.11 KB
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DreamingFantasy0's avatar
Wow that is so cool that the reader is the hero! Nice idea and style of art.