Komrad-Toast's avatar


Most evil batch file ever: %0|%0
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Design & Interfaces
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (24)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
My Bio

Well, pretty much just an average kid with a taste for the artsy stuff. I enjoy the modern, simplistic, streamlined style. Some things i enjoy doing are Computer programming (my baby), graphic design, and basically any other art that could involve a computer. I taught myself everything i know about programming, and most of what i know about graphic design.

Current Residence: Henrietta, New York
Favourite genre of music: Almost anything
Favourite style of art: Simplistic, Modern, Abstract
Operating System: Windows 7 (along with alot of Virtual PCs)
MP3 player of choice: Zune
Wallpaper of choice: SIMPLISTIC STUFF!
Skin of choice: Anything nice and simplistic for Rainmeter
Favourite cartoon character: Bugs Bunny
Personal Quote: What we do in life echoes in eternity

Favourite Movies
The Departed
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Muse, Wir Sind Helden
Favourite Books
Harry Potter
Favourite Games
Call of Duty Series, Battlefield Series, Elder Scrolls Series <3
Favourite Gaming Platform
xBox 360
Tools of the Trade
HP Envy 14 Laptop, Lenovo ThinkCentre Server, Visual Studio 2010, Expression Studio 4, Logitech G510 Keyboard
Other Interests
Video Games, Programming, Digital Image Creation
Well, as of right now lass Notepad v2.0 is on hold for the next week or so. I am buying an HP Envy 14 and it is being shipped as we speak. I am putting it on hold because I am going to have to transfer all the data between laptops so i am trying not to change a whole lot of stuff, but instead organize it so it is ready for transfer. Anyways, i&#039;m looking forward to receiving my Envy 14, i really hope i spent my money well...
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I am pleased to announce that Perihelion Design Studios (The Name i release my software under) now has a website! I would also like to Welcome our 2 newest members - Ian McNelly and Mark Repka. Ian is a close friend of mine, and is currently working on several projects to release, including an app for the iPhone / iTouch. Mark is also a friend of mine and is currently taking classes at RIT, he also helped greatly with the website. Anyways, if you wanted to see the website please go here
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Well, i did restart on Glass Notepad 2.0. It&#039;s coming along nicely, and has some features that the pre-meltdown version of 2.0 didn&#039;t have - like hotkeys. I am open to people requesting features to be in GNP2, so start sending long lists of things it should have, and lets make this an AMAZING release! If you do suggest something there is a good chance it could make it in, unless i have absolutely no idea how to code it. So like i said, SEND THOSE REQUESTS!
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Profile Comments 73

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:orange: Thanks for adding the BlueVision version of the StormQuake skin to your favourites.
Is your project dead? been about a year since I seen anything about it.
thanks so much for the +watch pal!!!!
Idk if you're even here anymore, but happy birthday!
me also i want gnp 2.0 hope you can finish it as soon as posible thanks dude
deviantART muro drawing Comment Drawing
I am still want to play with Glass Notepad 2.0 =)
Also I can offer my skills to localize it to Russian.
Hello there! Is Glass Notepad 2.0 still in active development? I like it a lot and I'd used it for my daily needs. Version 1.0 however had a lack of support for cyrillic encodings, can that be fixed (if not already)? Also I think you can vary the behaviour of the Notepad by checking Environment.OSVersion.