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thekilcannon's avatar

Preparing Him (3 of 7)



Time had lost meaning to the Minotaur.

His flesh was invigorated and alive in ways that he didn't think possible.  Every touch by DK would send waves of pleasure and hunger through his body like a raging, torrential river.

He had gorged himself on the seed that was fed to him from his own pulsating cock.  Rivulets of his pre-cum had also pooled onto the floor where he was standing, with yet still more leaking from his aching member.  It defied logic how his body could be responding so strongly to this man, yet the Minotaur couldn't deny the spell he had clearly fell under from the first moment he locked eyes with DK.  He was now and forever DK's.  It was an inviolable truth he could never escape...even if he had ever wanted to.

Into his left ear he heard DK whisper what he needed next, quickly snapping him away from his brief, idle musings. That gravelly, commanding voice using its authority to instantly spur the Minotaur into motion.  His body eager to obey this man's gentle demands.

The Minotaur soon found himself being transported to the bed.  The crisp sheets caressed his skin as the overwhelming strength of DK helped him effortlessly position his body to be once again staring into DK's eyes.  DK's gaze was brimming with confidence and lust.  It was the look of a man who knew his prey was powerless before him, and that nothing could stop him from taking everything he wanted.

The Minotaur exhaled shakily, quivering with the knowledge that he would readily give DK everything and more.
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😍  oooooof