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TH 128 - Character Design 102



Ahhh.... finally, I'm done uploading all of the old junk to this account.
Here's a new comic to tide you over for a while... and it's a BIG one, too!
Continuing my popular "Character Design 101", I've made a follow-up, this time cornering the touchy subject of Character Theft!!

It's fun and edumacational, as well as helping out the longer-running members a little bit!
Step by step, we go through the problems of having an original character, showing the best ways to take care of "Character thieves", and other notable things!

I silently hope that this particular comic will be seen by many Sonic fans who've had their "character stolen". :D

Right, Season 7 will be starting soon; "Full Metal Housesitter"! Stay Tuned!

Appearance thanks go to Hez, !aliciar, ~Aaron-the-Waterhog, ~InstantProductions, ~Matrixx, Anonymous, John Hedgehog, and several other characters I made up on the fly.
Image size
600x1016px 123 KB
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emirizahejjihoug's avatar
mine is hard to steal, a hard act to follow! stealing isn't just looks, it's also abilities and personality as well.