German Mittleafrika [Kaiserreich]TheGreyPatriot on DeviantArt

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German Mittleafrika [Kaiserreich]



Today lets take a look at what happens when you allow Goering to eat up Africa. Enjoy :D

The aftermath of the Weltkrieg left the Germans as the clear masters in Africa, with the Entente surrendering the lion's share of their sub-Saharan colonies to the Reich as part of the terms of the Peace with Honour. The Germans have incorporated these new territories alongside their existing possessions into a single vast colonial administration overseen by a Statthalter appointed by Berlin. In 1936, this post is occupied by Hermann von Göring, a Weltkrieg war hero whose political views and associations have made him unwelcome among the mainstream establishment but who is too popular and well-connected to simply be sidelined.

Balkanize Me: If Mittelafrika's political power drops below negative 1000, it will collapse and be divided into a multitude of ethno-states, old African kingdoms, Askari warlord states, and remnants of the German colonial governmentFull list of states . In a much more downplayed example, if the Reformgruppe comes into power in Mittelafrika, their reforms increase the autonomy of some native kingdoms and British colonist-dominated regions enough that they mechanically become represented as puppets of Mittelafrika rather than part of Mittelafrika.

Historical Villain Downgrade: One of Mittelafrika's admirals is Reinhard Heydrich, the infamous SS-Obergruppenführer and a major architect of the Holocaust in real life, who has presumably not been removed from the navy like he was OTL.

A Lighter Shade of Black: The Statthalters that can take over from Göring, in increasing shades of light from Göring's black the further they ideologically are from the Souveränisten, going from the (other) Paternal Autocrat Neue Kolonialregierung's 'mostly the same, but less corrupt and not megalomaniacal enough to start a war with Portugal or declare himself Vizekönig' to the Social Conservative Reformgruppe's 'cuts down his own power by increasing native and non-German colonial autonomy and establishing a only mostly white partly-elected parliament'note .

Space-Filling Empire: German Central Africa is a massive colony comprising most of the continent's southern half, from the borders of the Sahel all the way south to South African Rhodesia. It's a messy patchwork of tribes, kingdoms, protectorates, and even proud empires whose history stretch back centuries, bound to the German Empire by diplomacy and force alike.

Hermann von Göring
Ideology: National Populism

For his service during the Weltkrieg as a fighter pilot, Hermann Göring was awarded with a noble title. He later became the chairman of the far-right party Alldeutsche Verband, which achieved a noticeable success during elections. Because of his rising popularity, the German government appointed him as the Statthalter of Mittelafrika to bring order in a vast and unstable German colony.

Ace Pilot: During the Weltkrieg, Göring distinguished himself as a successful fighter pilot, scoring more than twenty victories by the end of the war, which earned him numerous decorations.
Cain and Abel: Hermann von Göring is the oppressive, corrupt, dictatorial administrator of the German colony in Africa, while his brother Albert, motivated by a genuine crisis of conscience, seeks to expose Hermann's crimes through the Black Dossier.

Even Evil Has Loved Ones: If he emerges unscathed from the Black Dossier conspiracy, Göring will mercilessly purge anyone that had a hand in it, with the exception of his brother Albert, whom he can't bring himself to kill: We can't kill him, family is family.

Evil Colonialist: Mercilessly exploits the native population, forcing them to work in inhumane working conditions.

Generation Xerox: Göring's father was an African colonial governor as well.

Historical Beauty Upgrade: In real life, Göring was hit by a bullet during the Beer Hall Putsch, causing him to get addicted to morphine and get fat to the point that his weight became the subject of jokes. In this timeline, as Statthalter, Göring has kept in better shape than his historical counterpart.

Kicked Upstairs: In 1928, Göring became the leader of the National Populist Alldeutsche Verband and led it to win a significant number of votes. Fearing that he would grow too powerful at home, Göring was sent off to govern Mittelafrika as Statthalter.

Knighting: Like many other German war heroes from the Weltkrieg, Göring was knighted by the still-standing German monarchy, hence the "von" added to his name.

A Nazi by Any Other Name: It's Hermann Göring, what else did you expect? While at the start of the game it's the paternal autocrat Neue Kolonialregierung who defines the political course of Mittelafrika, Göring can achieve absolute power with his National Populist Sovereigntist, albeit not without consequences.

Pet the Dog: Despite the overall harshness of Göring's colonial rule, he has a soft spot for many of the endangered species of Africa and will establish laws to protect them.

Politically Incorrect Villain: Göring is a harsh colonial dictator who use the natives as slaves or sweatshop laborers and supports white supremacy over the natives and German supremacy over the other colonists, only recruiting non-Germans out of necessity.

Pragmatic Villainy: Göring may seek a peaceful resolution with the many British and Belgian colonists within Mittelafrika's borders, though likely more out of a mutual desire to keep the natives at bay than anything approaching good will.

The Purge: If the German government refuses to investigate the Black Dossier, which details Göring's corruption and other crimes, and does not replace him as Statthalter, he'll employ the Lion Society criminal network to assassinate the conspirators responsible for the Black Dossier and reinforce his rule over Mittelafrika.

Reality Ensues: If he's not replaced by another governor, Göring's cruel, racist regime leads to mass rebellions that are guaranteed to break up Mittelafrika, leaving white Germans in control of only a few pieces.

Reassigned to Antarctica: In order to diminish his influence in Germany, he was sent to govern Mittelafrika. While it is quite a prestigious position, the German elite can be sure that Göring won't present any danger to their power in Germany.

Reassignment Backfire: Downplayed. Göring's promotion to Statthalter was essentially a move to get him as far away from Berlin as possible so his politicking would stop being such a nuisance to the Imperial establishment. While they succeeded, Göring proved to be successful enough at his job to enable himself to be a nuisance to the establishment in many other ways instead.

The Starscream: Göring can flout Germany's attempts to replace him as Statthalter, eventually forcing the Kaiser to declare him Vizekönig, allowing him to rule in Africa with his word fully equal to the Kaiser's and without significant oversight from the German government. However, above and beyond this, if Germany is defeated in the Second Weltkrieg, Göring can turn Mittelafrika into an independent nation in its own right, rejecting the Kaiser's order to let him use Mittelafrika as the German Government-in-Exile's home.

The Von Trope Family: Since Göring was ennobled for his service to Germany, the nobility particle von was added to his surname.

Albert Göring

Allohistorical Allusion: In real life, Albert Göring was a staunch anti-Nazi and helped those who were persecuted in Nazi Germany, even though his brother Hermann was one of the highest-ranking Nazis (who mostly turned a blind eye to what he did). In this timeline, Albert Göring is still opposing Hermann, who cannot bring himself to kill his own family.

Cain and Abel: Motivated by a genuine crisis of conscience, Albert Göring seeks to expose his brother Hermann's crimes through the Black Dossier.

Theodor von Hassel
Ideology: Social Conservatism

Internal Reformist: In the wake of the disastrous failure of the Göring administration, Hassel can be appointed Statthalter to oversee the transition to democracy in Mittelafrika and provide representation to German settlers in Africa.

Ludwig Bockholt
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy

Hunting "Accident": In order to get rid of Bockholt for his role in the Black Dossier conspiracy, Hermann von Göring will have one of his men arrange for a 'hunting accident' when accompanying Bockholt on a hunting trip. He swears that he thought Bockholt was a gazelle when he shot him, and the courts will rule in his favour.

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