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Hanging on to Reality


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Holding on to the past, grounded in the present, and reaching for a future, all while dreaming. 
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2912x1632px 6.92 MB
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interstitialism's avatar

"Holding on to the past, grounded in the present, and reaching for a future, all while dreaming."

That's a tall order if I ever seen one. Not sure how we're supposed to be doing all three at the same time 🤔

I absolutely love the monochrome reality. It always seems to generate a feeling of claustrophobia in me. And coupled with the dizzying effect this image has on the brain, you end up with a deeply perspective altering experience looking at it.

Are the towers supposed to represent the grounding aspect? The sky and clouds the future we are reaching for? The ropes on each side handles we are clinging to as we are holding on to the past?

Lots of questions... that might not be meant to be answered.

See what I did there?

On to the next one ;)

Oh by the way, as usual I'm out of tokens so I can't attribute this image any rewards. Sadly. I'll try to remember and come back when I do.