Walkerthefreshdoodle on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thefreshdoodle/art/Walker-272178959thefreshdoodle

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'Walker', as the people from the AMC's hit series 'The Walking Dead' call them. I'm such a huge fan of the series and I'm quite pissed that they had to split season 2 and continue the other half on February 2012! The fans do not deserve to wait like this! Finish the damn series already! lol.

I personally think that the costume designer or make up artists of these 'Walkers' did such a good job that these zombies look so real and unique. And the CG effects are just as good too! Props to the actors as well, as what I've heard from the Walking Dead director on 'the Talking Dead' show, they were quite picky with their actors and actually had classes for 'zombie walking' lol.

So I know it's kind of late as the mid-season ended a week ago, but here is my contribution to the thousands of fan arts done for the Walking Dead! I might actually do another one, maybe an artwork of Maggie, I think is very beautiful and hot! ^_^

Enjoy guys! Peace! \m/

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