The Butcherthefreshdoodle on DeviantArt

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thefreshdoodle's avatar

The Butcher



This is my 3rd and last entry to my recent art show "More Than You Imagined" at the Bottleneck gallery. As most of you already know, this is Dexter Morgan from the best series in the world, DEXTER. Last season's ender just made me go f*ckin' nuts, which inspired me to draw this piece. I personally think it was the best cliff hanger ever and I'm so excited to watch this season! 9 more days! I seriously can't predict whats going to happen this season!

Signed limited editions are still available at the gallery and their online store!
Limited signed edition prints are AVAILABLE HERE

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900x707px 867.34 KB
© 2012 - 2025 thefreshdoodle
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