Lame Brain Shanethefreshdoodle on DeviantArt

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Lame Brain Shane



Two nights ago, season 2 of epic series The Walking Dead finally took place! Although the ending was not so much of a cliff hanger for me, it was still awesome because of new characters, new scenarios and Rick's start of Ricko-tatorship(the talking dead lol). I wasn't too surprised when Rick mentioned they were all infected as it was mentioned in the Talking Dead that the scientist from the first season shared him the unfortunate news. You can catch episodes of the Talking Dead at =)

To be honest though, I was really blown away by last week's episode when they killed Shane! My jaw just dropped and I just couldn't imagine the series without him. But I've read a lot online that they've killed him in earlier books anyways, so I can't really complain!

So you are now looking at the zombie Shane, transformed right after he was killed by Rick. If you've been following Walking Dead closely, the other group of people call the zombies "Lame Brains" which rhymes with Shane and that's the story behind the title lol!

Enjoy guys! 3rd season will start on Fall! For now, it's time for GAME OF THRONES! =D

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