Half Maskthefreshdoodle on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thefreshdoodle/art/Half-Mask-274003595thefreshdoodle

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Half Mask



For those who don't know, this is Richard Harrow from one of the best HBO series Boardwalk Empire. He's one of my favorite supporting characters and I think they should give him more story in the seasons to come.

What I like about this character is that he carries this soft spoken and mysterious demeanor but at the same time he's also dangerous and violent. I'm not telling any stories here, I have already spoiled the season 2 finale to a lot of people on my facebook, so that's enough. lol. I highly recommend that you watch this series though, it's one of the best out there!

Enjoy guys! Peace! \m/

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TenkoSama9's avatar

Started watching this show, on Season 2 now. Richard for me is the best character ever.  If I may post a shirt that I think every Harrow fan should have. This shirt is from the company Zero Foxtrot, excellent stuff they have. Of course you need to be a member of the Afterlife club in order to purchase the shirt, worth every penny!

Highly recommend!
