Desirethefreshdoodle on DeviantArt

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thefreshdoodle's avatar




This is my version of Desire from the popular graphic novel Sandman: Endless by Neil Gaiman. Now that I've read a few issues I've been getting understand a little about the characters in the story, hope you guys like it! :D


Absolutely Doodle-icious!
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707x900px 178.71 KB
© 2011 - 2025 thefreshdoodle
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PhotoshopIsMyKung-Fu's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

I am a critique virgin, it brings me delight for you to be my 'first. I am no writer and certainly no master of the arts to be a critic but in works as striking as this I am helpless to indulge with acclamation.

The pale hues of cyan, yellow and orange invite me to the reds, and as it is branded as "Desire" it is indeed what the fiercely piercing look of those eyes loudly say but at the same time it feels like a whisper.

The technique is fresh.I am a fan of the brushes and strokes. I would be on the fence to say this is digital or traditional. You are certainly one of the artists that inspire, as you have inspired me to grab and stroke my dusty brush.

I've only heard about the Sandman: Endless... I have taken no interest in reading... but with pieces this stunning, the art so compelling, I am definitely buying.

I have began to download the graphic novel as I finish this critique.It is with sheer enthusiasm that I anticipate your next Doodle.

With Brotherly Love,
Johnny A.