X-Men: Chapter 4
The next dayHalldora was trying to find her next class, no one else was around, Halldora sighed and ended up getting lost, she was suddenly grabbed and pinned to the wall my Pyro."You lost?" He asked smiling at Halldora looking at her up and down.Halldora looked at Pyro and growled, "Yes, now get off me..." She said sternly."Make me beautiful" Pyro smirked.Halldora grabbed Pyro by the neck, her eyes turned an icy blue, Pyro's neck beginning turning blue, "Leave me alone..." Halldora growled angrily throwing Pyro down the hall.Halldora was about to put up her hand when Iceman tackled her, Halldora growled, in a blink of an eye, Halldora had...