Krampus Art (slots still open)

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theFloppyBunny's avatar
An update on where I'm at with this project, got some red ink recently so been trying it out & LOVE it. Still plenty of slots open, started taking liberty of some to just draw art of my own. I'm most likely going to see the Krampus movie tonight which will be damn exciting even if its just a run of the mill horror but still...KRAMPUS! 

Also, 3 slots will be taken as a prize for a Krampus contest held by :iconwe-love-horns: but otherwise, feel free to comment, note me if you're interested. I put links to some of the lineart I already finished. I sure do miss having a scanner * - *
<da:thumb id="456262172"/> <da:thumb id="504303396"/> <da:thumb id="452369759"/>  

~For Watchers ONLY 
~if you want a space(s) for the anti-advent calendar, you need to make either an offer to trade: 
-CORE membership (few weeks, months, etc.)


make a :points: donation to my account or paypal

Any of these will do, just so I also have something to look forward to. 
~You may have a character of your choice featured with Lord Krampus in these pictures 
~You may claim up to 2 slots
~NSFW preferred but SFW is OK too
~pictures will be posted from now until January so pick your spot if you are interested! Please 
feel free to share this journal or idea with your friends! 

:new: NOTE: slots that say "pending" can still be chosen if you really really really really want that slot. :new:

Anti-Advent Calendar list
1st: tree - :thumb580720614:
2nd: plum pudding:   2015-12-04 15.15.48 by theFloppyBunny
3rd: snowman: Snowman oh man by theFloppyBunny
4th: present/gift -pending - :iconsweetcandyelf: 
5th: ornament -pending - scrtsnta
6th: stockings :thumb578821278:
7th: snowflake -pending -scrtsnta
8th: holly -OPEN-
9th: Santa - pending- scrtsnta
10th: wreath - OPEN - 
11th: gingerbread: taken- :iconthegearwork:  2015-12-04 15.16.58 by theFloppyBunny
12th: bells: -:thumb585851864::iconharmonie--rosalina:  2015-12-04 15.19.20 by theFloppyBunny 
13th: candy cane: taken-:iconsweetcandyelf:  2015-12-04 15.19.54 by theFloppyBunny
14th: wrapping: taken- thesmokingspirits story illustration
15th: mittens -pending - scrtsnta 
16th: snow: taken-reindeer girlxKrampus
17th: reindeer: taken-thesmokingspirits story illustration
18th: mistletoe: taken- cirQlarLogic bound & kissing under the mistletoe
19th: decoration - pending- scrtsnta
20th: stocking stuffer: taken- :iconmissmonie:  2015-12-04 15.21.25 by theFloppyBunny (this one I'm a little proud of the background)
21st: angel taken - angel creaturexKrampus
22nd: baking -pending- scrtsnta
23rd: jingle balls  - OPEN - 
24th: bow/ribbon: taken:iconmissmonie:  2015-12-04 15.18.18 by theFloppyBunny
© 2015 - 2024 theFloppyBunny
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SweetCandyElf's avatar
may I please have present as well? I was hoping this one i asked for would ne NSFW like I asked, so could I please have that one as well? ^^
and please tell me again waht you wanted me to draw in return, im sorry but i forgot