A Wizard's Waketheflickerees on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/theflickerees/art/A-Wizard-s-Wake-147148733theflickerees

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A Wizard's Wake



"It was on a frigid afternoon when a hint of dread hit me.
I was sure I heard a voice, but I live by myself and I am sure that I have sealed all my summoning tomes so as not to let the creatures out.

The voice sounded like it was mocking me. I felt relatively small compared to the voice that shaked my very soul. It was like coming face to face with something larger than a dragon. It was like face to face with a demon itself.

The town should be warned.
I fear the worst; death will be upon us, if this accursed being would walk the plains of the earth."


:iconnight-fate-stock: :iconailinstock: :icongetfirefox:
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kimoz's avatar
What I like the most is the way you blend your images, master done really :+fav: