American English language level NONETheFlagandAnthemGuy on DeviantArt

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TheFlagandAnthemGuy's avatar

American English language level NONE



You have no knowledge of American English or know one word.

If you can read this you don't need this stamp.

base: Language Level base by Faeth-design

- other levels:
American English language level RANDOM WORDS by animeXcasoAmerican English language level BEGINNER by animeXcasoAmerican English language level INTERMEDIATE by animeXcasoAmerican English language level EXPERT by animeXcasoAmerican English language level NATIVE by animeXcaso

Free Stamp by LumiResources
Image size
99x99px 7.65 KB
© 2015 - 2025 TheFlagandAnthemGuy
anonymous's avatar
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VULKAN-comics's avatar
Wouldn't that mean everyone should add the list of languages they don't know on their profiles now? What would be the point? xD