MiGHTY is 20theEyZmaster on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/theeyzmaster/art/MiGHTY-is-20-131764762theEyZmaster

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theEyZmaster's avatar

MiGHTY is 20



"MiGHTY is...

...stealing the red Ferrari car from the Outrun game from Sega's 'museum of famous things'." - :iconacidicstudios:

==Mighty is... Challenge 20==

This one took me a lot more time than it should had!!! >__<
I hate drawing cars X_X

I wanted to include a lot more references and cameos, but i kinda run out of space here :P

Anyway I hope you guys like it!
2 more to go BEFORE the new MIGHTY IS entries! so please wait just a little bit more!

Mighty is' Gallery > [link]
Guest Artists Gallery > [link]

Mighty is © SEGA
Mighty is in a drawing © Eyz 09
Image size
640x510px 361.92 KB
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OctaScratchRock's avatar
Hold on, that's a Ferrari Testarossa! Better be careful with that thing!!