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'Good luck.'



So by the time this upload appears on dA, the Oscars ceremony would've just begun. I'm rather disappointed with this year's pickings, mainly because of the 'Best Animated Ghetto' quota and the snubbing of two of my favourite films of the year, 'The Town' and 'Legend of the Guardians'.


This piece is my reaction. With all the forced melodrama and over-the-top acting, the 'grown-up' films sometimes feel less matured than the 'kiddy' ones. :roll: It's my most ambitious montage so far, there's 21 characters from 16 films, including all the 'Best Picture' and 'Best Animated' nominees and then some. Toothless and Gylfie are the only ones I've drawn before; the rest are all first-timers. How many can you identify?

Hopefully the Academy will seize the chance to make history unlike last year, 2008, and 1992. If not, we'll all know that it's just a 'pity vote' and it'll be yet some time before animation can be judged on the same merits as live-action.

On that note, I wish 'How to Train Your Dragon', 'Toy Story 3', and 'Inception' the very best. If you don't take home anything, rest assured you have at least one appreciative fan here.
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Mitch-el's avatar
Cool stuff! I like how you've combined a healthy amount of the nominees into one composition. The Shrek is probably my favorite of the bunch.

In regards to critique, unless you intentionally kept things squared off and "edgy"... I would work on giving your characters more dimension so as they're less flat and more rounded. Sharp edges work in some cases, especially if you're stylizing things in this fashion, and I think that your interpretation of Buzz and Woody are fair examples of this; however, if you're going for "correctness", make sure to keep your proportions correct, work on keeping each individual character unique so that their design belongs to them and isn't similar to another character's, and give your creations more form so that they feel more three-dimensional and not flat (unless their design is already flat or unless you intentionally drew them that way).

All-in-all, keep up the good work! :nod:

-- Mitch