Favourite genre of music: rock,r&b,pop,techno MP3 player of choice: purple Shell of choice: i do not know. Wallpaper of choice: lime green Skin of choice: all the colors of the rainbow Favourite cartoon character: Naruto Personal Quote: nothing comes to those who wait? wtf idk
-looks at my entries- (why does deviantArt run so slowly for me? -clicks on it a hundred times. still nothing.) Actually got some new stuff to post..like really new stuff. The old stuff gets uglier everday to me. Going to probably delete all my non colored crap very soon. That's all i wanted to say. Have a good day~ ^_^
Just a heads up. Woo~Vacation time///I'll be gone for Jan.4-9 k on a cruise with family and friends to Cozumel Mexico and back. It should be fun! I heard the voyages are really nice. I just pray i don't get sea sickness. Tonight i'll do last minute packing making sure i have everything. I'll be leaving monday morning to New Orleans where the ship is supposed to be docked. On this trip i'll try to sketch some cool stuff. I don't know if i'll update my journal tommorow. probably not. so much love until next time. BYe
Thanks everyone who likes my arts and comments me. :hug: