'What fun is there in making sense?'TheDoggyGal on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/thedoggygal/art/What-fun-is-there-in-making-sense-501550780TheDoggyGal

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'What fun is there in making sense?'


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I'm actually surprised I managed to finish this tonight! ...Er, this morning... TODAY. :'D

But, I started to notice a few folks were posting more pieces that were inspired by/screamed Don Bluth to me. And I wanted to try and give my own take on it! And who better to try this with that the master of chaos himself? :)

I can't get Bluth's style down to a'T", but GOSH was this incredibly fun to work on! And given this was all entirely done with a traditional sketch, Manga Studio, and my Cintiq (things I'm still trying to fully adjust to), I feel even more proud of this.

Hope I didn't butcher this too bad!
The extra bit of grainy texture I used throughout this pic was this! - grainy texture
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1200x877px 1018.84 KB
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RedApropos's avatar

This DOES make me think of Don Bluth. And have you ever heard of Mickeymonster? I think you guys would get along.