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thediscorded's avatar

Surprise, Pinkie!



Hey, look who else can break the fourth wall! I bet pinkie was not expecting that...afterall, she is called surprise for a reason, right? =P

Phew, this one took way more time than think that the original plan was to just have surprise...but then a bunch of random ideas began popping in my head and there you go ( i should have expected that since we're talking about this dynamic duo =P )

I want to thank :icontim015: and :iconpirill-poveniy: for all their helpful tips, critiques and suggestions...and for not killing me after i literally submerged them with new revisions, really, you are awesome! :)

Sooo, as always, i hope you'll enjoy this vector

EDIT: Featured in EQD's Drawfriend #669 source 37: [link] :D
Image size
14067x9667px 20.13 MB
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