Rarity Investigatesthediscorded on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/thediscorded/art/Rarity-Investigates-562070810thediscorded

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thediscorded's avatar

Rarity Investigates



"I had all my ducks in a row. Except one"

Sorry, i'm all out of titles and quotes, this will have to do =P

So, anyway, as per usual, i'm late with this but if you've been watching me for a while, you were probably expecting it =P I'm a huge phoenix wright fan and i also watched quite a few Detective Conan ( or Case Closed ) episodes and i always loved how they were able to depict a whole episode with just a few evocative pictures and this is what i tried to do here...granted, it's not the best but for once i think this turned out ok so i hope you'll like it as well :D

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WingsPony's avatar
This is awesome! I love Rainbow's outfit and Rarity's expression is priceless!