[COLLAB] Smug Applethediscorded on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/thediscorded/art/COLLAB-Smug-Apple-744975363thediscorded

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thediscorded's avatar

[COLLAB] Smug Apple



This time i managed to snatch a sketch from none other than VanillaGhosties who was so kind to let me color it :D His sketches have a very unique feel to them, as soon as i saw that expression and that pose i fell in love with it. Working on it was really fun and interesting, i also got to try some new things given the colorful background. I have to say, i'm really happy with how his style and my colors work together.

Maybe we'll try the opposite next time since he is absolutely amazing with colors too! :D

I don't think i have to tell you but if you're not watching him already, go do so now! :D

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