A lick of holiday cheerthediscorded on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/thediscorded/art/A-lick-of-holiday-cheer-579101968thediscorded

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thediscorded's avatar

A lick of holiday cheer



Rara always wondered why Svengallop was so adamant about the whole "hoofsies" business

Sooo yeah, as i said i'm taking it easy and slowly so have another silly bit of randomness with some added season flavor :D
For some reason this took longer than expected and i had some bumps along the road ( like the little inconvenience of me merging almost everything together and saving over the latest version of this i had...no, really, that happened somehow. ) and i also changed my mind on things a few times while working on this but i think in the end it worked pretty well.

Also, before anyone asks why there is mistletoe in the middle of nowhere, Christmas magic. ( no but really, don't take the bg too seriously =P )

Anyway, as always i hope you'll like this! :D

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