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Heart of Steel



Original character; Fiona Gage belongs to me.

Cast: Wednesday, presumably lifting that gigantic hammer by force of hotblooded Viking determination alone.

Frank Frazetta passed away yesterday. I didn't know his name until yesterday, but I found out, as person after person whose art I admired talked about being inspired by and admiring his work, that he's legendary for his pulp covers featuring strapping, brawny, heroes like Conan the Barbarian (as well as all the entailing beasts, hot babes, and gory weaponry.)

This is the example of his style that I keep seeing (yes, it's that picture that you've seen a million times, that's Frank Frazetta's work), and it's rich and nasty and gorgeous.

His is a style I can't pretend to know how to reproduce, but I had to make the attempt.

If you learned from the man, or if you love the work of somebody who did, *Coelasquid is putting together a collection of barbarians as a tribute to Frank's work. You can find the details here: [link]

Rest in peace, Mr. Frazetta.

Materials: Pencil, Photoshop, and Manowar.
Image size
1650x2358px 1.19 MB
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Connan-Bell's avatar
Hammer time? Is it hammer time!? HAMMER TIME!??!