The Potions MasterTheCoffeeFairyChan on DeviantArt

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The Potions Master


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Character  Severus Snape


Started this piece back in April. I know—that’s a long time to work on a piece of art—but I wasn’t able to work on it every day, and I’m slow with drawing as it is. It seems rather fitting that I finished it today, on the anniversary of Alan Rickman’s passing. (I tried really hard to finish it by the 14th, and I did! Just wasn’t able to post it until today—was having trouble logging in to my account.)

At the time of starting this, I just viewed it as a way to test out some digital art techniques I had been wanting to try for a while (and I was re-reading the Harry Potter books at the time). But thinking about it now, it makes sense that I started this when I did. My family and I were approaching the anniversary of my brother/best friend’s leukemia diagnosis, and a lot of difficult memories from 2023 kept resurfacing. So, I turned to something I enjoyed doing when I was younger. Yes, creating in general is something I love doing, but I have more creative outlets to choose from now, whereas when I was younger, drawing was one of the few skills I had at the time.

As silly as it sounds, I think drawing again—especially such an important character to me—helped me cope with the events of 2023. From everything that happened with my brother to losing my dad unexpectedly, I just needed something nostalgic. Plus, my dad—without meaning to—is the reason I got into Harry Potter. He rented the third movie, and though I only caught bits of it (my mom wasn’t thrilled that he rented it, haha), I was hooked once I saw the fourth movie.

Needless to say, Severus Snape ended up becoming my favorite character. He was just a character I really empathized with and connected to. I don’t want to get into detail, because I could go on forever, but let’s just say I sucked at making friends. One of the few friends I did have made me feel small, often let me know how terrible of a friend I was, made me feel like I couldn’t do anything right, and caused me to struggle with my self-worth.

Because of all that, I really latched onto Snape’s character (and, if I’m being honest, had a huge crush on him)—and, in turn, Alan Rickman. That got me into watching more of his movies, many of which I ended up watching with my dad. Those are very fond memories for me. Recently, I’ve been on a bit of an Alan Rickman movie binge again, trying to watch as many of his films as I can. It just makes me wish I could watch them with my dad again…


P.S. If you look closely at the bottles in the background, you’ll find they are all labeled with the name of an Alan Rickman character (or Alan Rickman himself)

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TheTie-DyeJedi's avatar

I love this. You did a great job with Snape, the background and the lighting. So well done of the brooding Potions Master. I think there are so many more fans of him out there then we know. He truly is one of the most complex characters. Alan Rickman did a wonderful job as him, I just wish we'd had as many scenes with Snape as in the books. Anyway, well done!