Detective and SidekicktheCHAMBA on DeviantArt

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Detective and Sidekick



So as most of you should already know, :icontnperkins: is a wicked awesome.
Everything he posts has this energy and life to them that I absolutely admire and strive to achieve on a daily.
His designs and redesigns are so very fresh and are a constant inspiration and motivation to my own works.
So with that, here is the 1st in a series of pieces that are 'fan-arts' to his works!

My :iconrandomveus: styled version of his Dynamic Duo which can be seen

I love both their designs!
That Robin is something I would love to one day Cosplay as.
Such gangsta!


If you want to see images updated sooner, subscribe to my FACEBOOK page!
Image size
880x1360px 183.25 KB
© 2013 - 2025 theCHAMBA
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