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Crown of Ezran



15th on the list of '34A collab commishes' between the FooRay and I of ~KirbBrimstone's Original Characters Malmon and Phobeon
If anybody is interested in one of these commissions, peep the following and follow the instructions!

:iconfooray: - Phobeon
:iconthechamba: -  layout, background, Malmon

Persona4-ish style.

34A collab commishes. by theCHAMBA

:iconfooray: and myself will be doing up collaborative commissions titled 34A Collab Commissions

Why? well because collaborating is fun, and well why not, right?

So yep, Email us @ with the subject : collabcommish
In the email, to make things move along at a solid pace, please attach visual reference of the two characters with their names along with your deviantart name and your paypal email.

Here's some examples of ones we've done up already!
The World's Finest by theCHAMBA BlackRock VS BlackGold by theCHAMBA Partners in Crime by theCHAMBA Stealth Elf and Roller Brawl by theCHAMBA Hato and Madarame by theCHAMBA
Image size
1100x1400px 359.9 KB
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