Medieval Nick and JudyTheCatnamedFish on DeviantArt

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Medieval Nick and Judy



What's this?! Zootopia fanart!! I wanted to do a crossover between Disney's Robin Hood and Zootopia. I know it's been done a few times, but I wanted to do my own spin of it XD

Nick Wilde is a smooth talking fox who is all about stealing from the rich.... but isn't too keen on giving it to the poor. If confronted by it by his old friend Robin, he simply smirks and response, "But I AM the poor~"

Judy Hopps on the other hand has dreams and aspirations of becoming a knight and serving under the King to protect the people of the kingdom. But with Prince John in control, Judy is second guessing her choices and what truly is important to her... Serving her king.... or serving her people.

Robin Hood and Maid Marian would make an appearance as well, but don't worry, they aren't Nick's parents, even tho I do like that head canon XD
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© 2017 - 2025 TheCatnamedFish
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Kyoshyu's avatar
That is both crazy and perfect. :D