Super Smash SistersTheBourgyman on DeviantArt

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TheBourgyman's avatar

Super Smash Sisters



Or Bash Sisters, your call.

Sooo, one week until Super Smash Bros. for 3DS hits the American and Canadian market! Are you guys as hyped as I am?

I've been holding on to this for quite a while. I think deep inside we'd all love to have a Smash game with an all-female cast. That would seriously kick ass. Take notes, Nintendo! Also, can you name all characters present here?

By the way, part 2 is here.

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Thanks, and enjoy!
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© 2014 - 2025 TheBourgyman
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MTVFanatic2005's avatar

Marvelous! I have done a Smash Sisters roster before.

Here is my roster.

My Super Smash Sisters Roster (Animash Style)