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TheBourgyman's avatar

21 years of bosses


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I said I'd do it. So here it goes. A vast majority of bosses who had to confront Mario since he's been created. I included only the most important ones... so the bosses from recent games like Super Mario Sunshine and most of the Mario RPG's are not present (except for the most known ones).

I really liked how it came out... until I started inked it, where it became a big mess. There is probably as much Liquid Paper as there is black ink on the original. Shame on me.

Well, enjoy!

Mario and all characters are copyright (C) Nintendo.

2011/09: There's a new version of this picture. Please check it out too:

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910x1200px 654.41 KB
© 2006 - 2024 TheBourgyman
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Quinstiff's avatar

Run Mario, run!